Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Five Advance Tips For Improving Communication


Five Advance Tips For Improving Communication

I have been explained in my previous article that how can you improve communication skills by knowing five simple tips.

In this article, I will share with you some more tips which will lead your communication skills to the next level. So, let’s start, and please be with me till the end.

Do you know, what will be your success rate in your life if you can only communicate well? (waiting......What happen) Ok just guess some rate before going to the next line. So, the association between communication skills and your success is almost 85 percent (Mann 1918). If you may communicate well then your success rate rise by 85 percent. So, now you can imagine the big picture in your mind about how important communication skill is in your life.

So the first technique is….

1)     Match their Mood

Matching the mood with other people is very important in communication.

So, the first step to start a conversation without choking it, is to match your mood with the other’s mood, if only for a few sentences.

I am very sure that you have encountered aggression of mood mismatch.

What! not... hmm Let me remind you.

Did you remember that when you were rushing to go for a class/important meeting/or a date with your beloved? Then one of your colleagues stops you suddenly and starts narrating a long boring story. I will give you one more example. Once in your life, you were feeling very down and then a colleague jumps in front of you from nowhere with an overexcitement mood and start pounding you with questions. (am I right?)

Many of us may feel unpleasant in this kind of situation. Then we start talking aggressively or roughly to him/her. It is not pleasant.

Every true lover knows, or they should know, that to quiet a crying partner, s/he should not yell "quiet down". True lovers cry sympathetically and try to match their partner misery for a couple of moments. Then they slowly shift into a happy tone. Your all listeners are your beloved and you are the true lover. So try to match their mood if you seriously want to improve your communication.

So remember this tip, just take a voice sample of others and try to detect their mood before you open your mouth next time to talk to the others. If you detect that they are sad then be sympathetic to them. If they are excited then share enthusiasm.  

2)     Present Mundane With Passion

As you know, what we say does not matter, but how we say that matters the most.

Now you may be worried about what says first words? Don't worry. I have a fact in my pocket which may help you to get over with all the tension.

Leave your all tension aside because 80 percent of people impressed by how you say, not what you say (Schreiber& Hartran 2013). No matter how mundane and dull the text, just make sure yourself how you are delivering the text.

Furthermore, when you start communicating with someone. You can start with anything except complaining about something, rude, and unpleasant. If you start a conversation with a complaint then people may lose interest or tag you as a complainer. Suppose you are at a party and you met someone new to you and you start a conversation with him/her. The first sentence was a complaint about something. Like, this party is very bad or boring. Then what you said to that person is a hundred percent sample of you. It may leave a negative impression. So, keep it in mind that the first words that come out from your mouth should not be unpleasant. whatever else you say, it doesn't matter how boring is it, just adds a little bit of excitement to it then all goes up.

3)     Become a Modern Day Renaissance Man

Renaissance man means: when a person seeking to improve their abilities in many areas of accomplishment. The best example of a renaissance man is Leonardo Da Vinci (1452-1519) because he was expertise in many fields. He was a painter, scientist, engineer, and mathematician.

Often people think that becoming a renaissance man is a very humungous task. Only a handful of genius, talented people, or people born with talent can become a renaissance man.

No, it is not like this. You and I also can become a renaissance man or a social expert. Just we have to put a little more effort and gain knowledge of other fields which you like and which you don't.

However, the main point is to gain information or knowledge in different fields, not only in a specifics field which you like the most. Now you will ask why? Let me explain it to you. Suppose you like only painting and you are too much focus on it. You are trying to learn every aspect of it. So, here the problem is that you know more about paint and very less about other fields. Now, what will happen when you meet other people? They may not know anything think about painting. If you start a conversation with them it will last for a few minutes. These kinds of problems we all have faced in our life. We want to talk to more with someone special, but we don't have much to talk about. So, make sure once in a while read something new anything. I assure you that you will have something interesting and new to talk to anyone.

4)     Always have something interesting to say

As you remember, I advise you to follow the "Whatzit" rule before going to an important event (in the previous article). Here I have one more tip for you. Just listen properly.

So whenever you are going to any important event like party/function. Then you mainly plan your dress and outfit and make sure that everything should match. And of course, if you are following Whatzit" rule then you must wear something attractive like the right tie or perfect color lipstick. Just wait for a minute. Aren't you missing something important?

What about a nice conversation to make your image shine in the eyes of others? Obviously, you will use your basic instincts to improvise conversation. But for at least get ready in case inspiration does not hit. Do you know what is the most efficient way to assure you are conversationally in the middle of things? Just listen to a credible newscast just before going to the event. By doing this you will get an idea about what is going around the world right now.  Like as, all the natural disasters, floods, fire, stock market crashes, and other news. It will help you to create great conversational material. It does not matter what type of gang you are circulating in.

So, now you know that you have to follow both rules "Whatzit & Always have something interesting to say" before leaving the house. 

5)     Never the naked thank you

We say the clause “thank you” very often that people talk it very casually. It is because we say "thank you" alone to everyone. So, never let “thank you”, stand-alone and naked. Make sure that whenever you say it “thank you for something”. 

Let me explain to you why we should say thank you for something. Let's assume that you are traveling on the train and by mistake, you left your handkerchief on the seat and someone returns it to you, then you will say thank you to him/her. In other case, you had a road accident and someone helped you then you said thank you. My question is to you that both thank you are the same? 

I think no. So, always say "thank you for". Like, thank you for helping me in danger situation, thank you for being such a loyal person. I hope you enjoyed it learned something new today. You can also share some tips. I sure it will help us to become better. Because our motive is "Let's become better every day".

Let me know which one is your favorite in the comments down below.

And if you are still hungry for more, just comment.

Please follow and share. Don't forget to comment.

 in case if you have not read the previous article, Just click the link below:



 ·       Mann, C. R. (1918). A study of engineering education: prepared for the Joint committee on engineering education of the national engineering societies (No. 11). Merrymount Press.

·       Schreiber, L., & Hartranft, M. (2013). introduction to public speaking. The Public Speaking Project.

·       Leil Lowndes (1999), “How to Talk”,




  1. I found 2nd one most useful, personally I don't enjoy any conversation without it. 3rd is tough to achieve but important.

  2. Thanks for reading bhai. I also found the same. The first was just some basics. Where here I try to give some interesting example with the tips which helps the reader to understand and enjoy the reading.
    What do you think, if you give me some suggestion. It would be really helpful.


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